Here at CM, we have been on the content marketing train since long before I started working here (a meager four years ago) because we knew that good content was the foundation for success. I am sure if you are a business owner or marketing professional you know that all too well. So you create social strategies and outreach campaigns to share all the great content you create. However, you may be ignoring your most frequented content channel, your website. Let’s go over a few ways you can make sure you are getting the most bang for your marketing buck by using your website as a content marketing hub.
The Homepage
Most people will likely land on your homepage from a variety of channels. From social media to being blog mention or just being found on the Google SERPs, people have a way of coming right in through the front door. Making your homepage the gateway to your content is monumentally important. A few tips to keep in mind:
- Make sure your navigation is easy to follow.
- Have your blog highlighted (this is a huge content hub).
- If you have resources, highlight those as well.
- Be sure your contact info is easy to find and up-to-date.
We will dive into a few of these a little further later on.
Your homepage is where your story must begin. Answer the following on your homepage “What is your story?” “Why do you do what you do” and “What makes you different?” It is important that you answer these questions right away so people will understand how they can benefit from consuming your product or services. You should be able to do this quickly and clearly enough to pass a “Blink Test”. HubSpot has a great blog with tips on how to pass a “Blink Test”.
The Blog
Your blog is where a majority of your content will live so making sure you optimize and prioritize is important. Follow your content strategy closely when brainstorming blog topics and create titles that reflect your goals for each blog. This will help you drive the right people to each blog. Incorporate relevant keywords where applicable and ultimately – add value with your content. Share something valuable with your readers, so that you can start to build up trust with them as an authority in your industry. Once you create your blog, connect it to relevant calls-to-action that can drive your reader to a specific landing page or another related blog. That brings us to…
The Call-to-Action
As I mentioned above, CTAs can help to lead your readers in the right directions. You can help create a story line by adding them to the end of a blog or a specific page of your site. The CTA will suggest which content they should read next or what resource they might be interested in downloading. Making sure each CTA is placed intentionally. It will assure that you are guiding your audience down a path that will tell your brand story and help them discover how your business can solve a problem they have. Maybe even before they know they have them.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page
This is an often overlooked piece of content, that when done correctly, can add a level of trust to your site/company. It shows that you listen to what your consumers are saying and address it. I know personally, when I have an issue that is easily resolved through a FAQ page, I feel a sense of community. I also appreciate that the business has done something to address any questions I may have even before I ask it. This page can also help to boost your rankings by having many of the questions people are searching for spelled out exactly how they would ask them. No need for Google’s algorithm to interpret it or change the wording in any way. You already have it just how people are asking it. A huge content plus!
Content is vastly important to how people find you online and I don’t foresee that ever changing. Take the time to be sure your website answers the questions that people are asking. Lead customers through your content and guide them to the answers they haven’t yet started looking for. Become a thought leader to them. By using your website as your greatest content marketing tool you give yourself a better chance to convert traffic to customers.
Happy Marketing.