Did you know that Valentine’s Day is this weekend? I’m sure you did. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, the amount of advertisements out there talking about the holiday is overwhelming to the point that they may actually drive you crazy. Personally, I like the holiday but think that it can be overdone. If you love someone, you should show and tell them whenever you want to – but sometimes it’s nice to have an excuse to do so. Feelings aside, as a marketer – I think that businesses have gotten lazy with their messaging and marketing around the holiday.
Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love. Businesses no longer try to focus on the greater meaning of the holiday but try to sell more products that are supposed to express love. Here are a few ways in which marketing for V-day has become extremely lazy.
Overtly Sexual
Sure, love is great. Love is wonderful. But, why does Valentine’s Day have to be littered with sexual innuendos and euphemisms? Check out this video from Vermont Teddy Bear – granted, it’s a few years old, but I’ve caught it on TV this year. It’s a teddy bear company, which is great – what a romantic gesture for your loved one. Why then do they find it necessary to consistently make jokes and quick comments that just aren’t appropriate for a teddy bear?
Female Focused
I’m a female, so I should be ecstatic that Valentine’s Day has become all about me. But, that’s just the thing if it’s about celebrating love – shouldn’t it be a celebration of each other? Why are flower companies, jewelry stores, teddy bear companies and so many more pushing for the focus to be primarily on “her,” why isn’t it an “us” thing?
Take a look at this post from 1-800-Flowers.com, now it’s a flower company and in my opinion, most females do like flowers. But, why does Cupid have to #WowHer? Why can’t Cupid #Wowus? And if you’re single on Valentine’s Day – why can’t you #Wowyourself?

False Promises
From “Every Kiss Begins with Kay” to “A Guide to Guaranteed Kisses” – why is it that your gift determines whether or not your significant other loves you or shows you affection? A gift shouldn’t be the prerequisite for some love on Valentine’s Day! Stop trying to sell the benefit of giving a gift. The purpose of a gift is to give it with no expectations of what is to come afterward.

Also, why must you “lock in your love” – if she doesn’t love you before Valentine’s Day, then why are you getting her expensive jewelry? Way to buy into that marketing. Literally.

Get it Right
Okay, so this one example may not be a typical advertisement that you would think of for the holidays. But, do you know what Deadpool is about? It may not necessarily be the most romantic movie out there, but they know their audience. It’s definitely a movie targeted towards males, but the fact that it is coming out on Valentine’s Day weekend – what better way to transform the plot of the movie to be relevant to the female audience? That’s some smart marketing, what girl would refuse to see a love story this weekend featuring Ryan Reynolds?

All I’m saying is – why must we exploit the real meaning of Valentine’s Day to make some money? If you want to spread your message, spread a message of love not one of “money = love”. It usually doesn’t end well. And let us not forget about all the single ladies (and gents) out there… why aren’t we marketing to them and making them feel loved? Well, we love you and here are some songs to help you enjoy the weekend because it’s just another day of the year.